内容:「ぼく」は大好きなエルフィーが死んだ時、哀しみがいくらか癒されていることに気づきます。その理由とは? 小学校の国語の教科書にも採用された、心優しい少年の物語です。
<例: Elfieがぼくたちのひざの上で寝ている場面>
T: Look at Elfie. How does she look?
S1: She looks sleepy.
S2: She looks tired.
S3: I think she looks relaxed.
happy / funny / angry / energetic / worried /sad / kind / touching / afraid /miss /rounder / older
1) 絵本を読んだあと、自分にも物語の男の子のように大好きなペットや人、宝物があるかどうかたずねる。
T: He loved Elfie very much. Do you have a pet or a person that you really love, or did you have a pet or person that you really loved? Do you have a treasure?
S2: I love my cat.
T: You love your cat. Your cat must be very happy.
S3: My treasure is my doll.
2) 1)で挙げた人やペット、宝物に絵手紙を書く。
T: Please draw a picture of the person, the pet, or the treasure that you talked about. When your done, please write the message, “I’ll always love you.”
もし、大切にしていたペットが亡くなってしまったら、次のペットを飼えるか? みんなで話し合ってみましょう。
1) 近所の子が少年に子犬を飼わない?と聞いた場面を見せながら、子どもたちにたずねる。
T: In this scene, he said, “A neighbor offered me a puppy. I knew Elfie wouldn’t have minded, but I said no.” Did he want the puppy?
Ss: No.
T: Why do you think he said no?
S3: まだエルフィーのことが忘れられないから。
S4: 新しい犬を飼ったら、エルフィーに悪いと思ったから。
2) もし自分が少年だったら、また犬を飼うか、それとも飼わないか、そしてその理由を考える。
T: If you were the boy, would you want to have a new dog, or not?
T: Who would want to have a new dog? Please raise your hand.
Ss: (手をあげる)
T: OK. Who would not want to have a new dog?
Ss: (手をあげる)
T: All right. Now, please think about the reason.
3) ホワイトボードに以下の文章を書き、子どもたちは一人ずつ自分の意見とその理由について話す。最初に先生がお手本を見せる。
If I were the boy, I would want to have a new dog
because ______________________________.
If I were the boy, I would not want to have a new dog
because ______________________________.
T: If I were the boy, I would not want to have a new dog, because I still miss Elfie.
What about you, S1?
S1: If I were the boy, I would want to have a new dog, because my family will be happy.
夜、寝る前のあいさつに、このフレーズもつけ加えてみてはいかがでしょうか? 心が温かくなりますよ。
“I’ll always love you.”