1. |
Pour water into each
saucepan. Add cut-up fruit or vegetables. |
(なべに水を入れ、適当なサイズに切った野菜か果物を加える) |
2. |
Bring to a boil and
simmer until the water turns the color you want. |
(なべを火にかけ、沸騰したら弱火にして好みの色になるまで煮込む) |
3. |
Remove from the heat
and strain, reserving the water. |
(野菜や果物はざるにあげ、湯はなべに戻す) |
4. |
When the water is
cool, add the eggs. Let them sit until they turn the desired color. |
(湯が冷めたら卵を入れ、好みの色になるまで浸しておく) |
5. |
Remove the eggs and
allow them to dry. |
(卵を取り出し乾かす) |
6. |
Polish the eggs with
a small amount of cooking oil on a soft cloth. |
(少量の食用油と布で卵を磨く) |