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クラフト イースターエッグを作ろう!

執筆 亀山千佳(Sunny Plumeria 英会話 主宰 児童英語インストラクター)



★中身を取り除いた卵の殻 (=blown eggs)

1. Poke a small hole in each end of the egg with a needle.
2. Blow the egg yolk through the hole and out of the eggshell.
3. Rinse the eggshells well and allow them to dry.

Natural Dye


1. Pour water into each saucepan. Add cut-up fruit or vegetables.
2. Bring to a boil and simmer until the water turns the color you want.
3. Remove from the heat and strain, reserving the water.
4. When the water is cool, add the eggs. Let them sit until they turn the desired color.
5. Remove the eggs and allow them to dry.
6. Polish the eggs with a small amount of cooking oil on a soft cloth.

Cut out and Stick


1. Dilute the glue with water.
2. Cut out (or tear) the decorative paper.
3. Stick the paper on the egg with glue, to cover the eggshell.
4. Coat it with another coat of glue.


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